The Keeler Sheridan Gardiner Test is a well-established visual acuity test designed primarily for children but also suitable for individuals with disabilities, learning difficulties, or those who do not share a common language with the examiner
One of the key features of the Sheridan Gardiner Test is its use of single optotypes. The test consists of a series of cards, each displaying a single letter or symbol. The child is asked to identify the letter or symbol from a distance, either verbally or by matching it to a corresponding letter or symbol on a key card
The test includes a range of optotypes, such as Snellen letters and other symbols, which are presented in decreasing sizes to determine the smallest size the child can accurately identify. This allows for a precise measurement of visual acuity, which is crucial for diagnosing and managing various visual impairments
The Sheridan Gardiner Test is designed to be user-friendly and adaptable to different testing environments. It can be conducted in a well-lit room without the need for specialized equipment, making it accessible for use in schools, clinics, and other settings
For more tests and practice essentials, click here.
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