5 Litre Non-Alcohol Hand Sanitiser

Product Code: LC0395
Original price was: £17.00.Current price is: £10.00. Price exclusive of VAT
At a glance:
  • 5 Litre bottle of hand sanitiser to help prevent the spread of Coronavirus within your practice.
  • Contains Benzalkonium Chloride which is highly effective against strains of coronavirus virus
  • FREE Pelican Pump on Purchase
  • Please see more information below

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An extremely versatile 5 Litre Non-Alcohol Hand Sanitiser that combines efficient cleaning and degreasing with a wide spectrum of activity as a virucide, bactericide, fungicide and deodorant.

When this 5 Litre Non-Alcohol Hand Sanitiser is used at the recommended dilution it will remove a wide range of soilage including body fats and oils, which may harbour germs representing a potential health hazard.

Manufacturers Data complies with EN1276, EN1650, EN13623, EN14476

Use our pelican pump to dispense into smaller containers if required.

Other related products:

Pelican Pump for 5ltr Containers

Hand Sanitiser – Alcohol Free 500ml

We have made a summary of the test data so it gives you more information about Alcohol Free hand sanitiser:

Feline Calici Virus (surrogate for Noro virus) 99.9% in 5 minutes

Pseudomonas Aeringusa

Staphyloccus Aureus

Escherichia Coli

Enterococcus Hirae

All 99.999% in 5 minutes under EN 1276 conditions

Staphylococcus Epidermidis (99.9%), Salmonella Enteritidis (99.9%), Salmonella Typhimurium (99.9%), Klebsiella Pneumonaie (99.9%), Listeria Monocytogenes (99.9%), Proteus Vulgaris (99.9%), Campylobacter Jejuni (99.9%),

Serratia Marcescens (99.9%), Corynebacterium Bovis (99.9%) and Rhodococcus Equii (99.9%).

In addition an article by the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Stockholm Feb 2020) they found that 0.05% Benzalkonium Chloride was effective against the corona virus strains they had access to. However, the centre did not have access to Covid-19, no one has this at the moment.

We have been told there is sufficient Benzalkonium Chloride in our product to meet this requirement.

Although we appreciate the concerns of all our customers we wanted to give you some information that may assist when explaining about Alcohol Free hand sanitiser.