Catch up with Amanda Danson

3 July 2016

Amanda Higginbotham

Amanda Danson is a shareholder and sits on the Board at Birmingham Optical, as well as the day job of Sales Director. We caught up with her to understand a little bit more about what makes her tick.

What was your first job?

My first job was working in hair dressers salon. But my first role in Optics was as a YTS on reception in an independent practice. I later went on to buy that practice when I was 20.

What made you join Birmingham Optical?

I was aware of the fantastic product portfolio and the company from a previous role. We had purchased their equipment and I loved the product and experience.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

It sounds cliché but it’s the people that I meet and the places that I go. No two days are the same, and my role is really varied. One of the unique things about Birmingham Optical is how much we value the research and development – working with our suppliers closely but also in training our customers, so my day can involve number crunching or working with people.

What’s the best thing about working at Birmingham Optical?

The best part of my job is being part of supporting a customer to grow their business. Supporting new start ups are a particular passion of mine – there’s nothing more rewarding than using your experiences to help someone turn an idea into reality.

What most interests you about Optometry?

That it really makes a difference to people. Your sight is so valuable. Optometrists are making a difference for their patients; for the health of a patients eyes and their general health. This year we are partnering with ChECT, the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust to help them raise money, it’s a personal charity to me as well as a worthy cause.

What’s your favourite quote or motto?

My non-business one is ‘Live for today’!

My business one: the Richard Branson quote, ‘Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough that they wont want to’, resonates with me – I am always keen to get the best out of everybody I work with.

What hobby don’t you have time for but wish you did?

More motor-racing and parachuting. No, really!

Tell us something about you we don’t know…

I am the kid who left school with no qualifications. I did my dispensing qualification at 24, and my degree in my mid-30s. I’m now on the way to finishing my PhD.

I’m also, secretly, a bit of a rocker!